Intro to the Course


How to get the most from this course.

The course is divided into daily modules. Each day you can choose to receive an email reminder to access your course. Sign up for daily email reminders [CLICK] HERE.

Devote time each day to complete the visualizations and activities!

Every module is an opportunity for you to make small changes in your kitchen, your diet, and your lifestyle.

In each section, you’ll find Learning Materials, an Activity Guide, and Visualization.

Listen closely; I have selected these recordings to motivate you toward results! The content you learn here will prove to be resourceful yet if you have questions, please ask! Use the comments sections to communicate your experience and lend your contributions.

To get the most out of what you learn, follow the content sequentially. You will have access for the lifetime of the course, which allows you to return to any section to glean more information as often as you like.

You may want to repeat the course a couple of times in order to implement all of the changes into your lifestyle. It depends on how healthy you feel you are at the time you begin.


You may find that thoughtfully choosing to journal while completing the activities and reflections on paper will help you integrate the course teachings privately. This is your life and it certainly deserves your attention to the details!

We’re all unique at our starting point and consciously paying attention to our feelings and thoughts about the process of detoxing and choosing to change our health.

Take action, even small steps, each day. Noting how you feel with each change we make reminds us of the progress we are making!

Start somewhere and engage support.

From my experience of health coaching, I've learned how to look ahead and predict how things are likely to go when you're making significant changes.

As your coach. I am trained to view you holistically: a whole person with emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and physical needs. I can’t diagnose or prescribe online, but I can support you in making healthy choices. I'll also be there when you're ready to reach out for some just-in-time coaching to keep you moving ahead toward your health goals.

My wish for you is to have more energy and vitality for living. My hope is that you will choose healthy solutions which means a balanced diet, exceptional self-care, and appropriate exercise.

Check with your health care provider before making changes because you are unique and your health is important enough to take the time to have an evaluation! There can be situations where making changes in your diet can affect health conditions, in particular with the effects of medications. Don’t take chances with your health!

I promise to deliver innovative solutions to guide you toward improving your health and achieving exceptional outcomes.

It may not be easy. You, have to do the work, but I assure you that receiving support and having your questions answered will make it so, so much easier.

Give it your all, contribute in the comments, ask questions, or email me privately at [email protected].

I will do my best to support you as you make positive changes in your health and your life!

I can’t wait for you to get started!

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